Black Pants at Spielsalon Kassel


As you can read in my blog, all of the Pants were at the Spielsalon Kassel last week. But not all of them were just there to have fun. Some had to work and here is what they did: Christian was part of a panel about funding small businesses and start-ups through crowd-funding. It was an interesting topic, since there … Read More

Murmel’s Blog – Spielsalon Edition

FlorianMurmel's Blog, News

Hello my dear readers, Disclaimer: This might be a long one, it was an awesome time! I am back with a blog and it has a theme: Spielsalon Kassel 2013. The Spielsalon is an expo/festival/party for games (PC, console, even board games) which takes place in Kassel every two years and which is being put together by the Kunsthochschule Kassel, … Read More

Murmel’s Blog #4

FlorianMurmel's Blog, News

My dear readers, MARKETING – what a terrible word, isn’t it? One of my duties here at Black Pants is to find ways to make more people aware of our games, so our artists and programmers can live in their little sheltered worlds and be creative and don’t have to worry about their paychecks 😉 – and apparently I am … Read More

Pädi Awards 2013


We are proud to tell you that Black Pants as only Studio won two Pädi Awards this year. The Pädi Awards have been around since 1997 and we stand in a long line of winners. Pädi awards games that are children-friendly and have a pedagogic component to it. Me and Stamm went to Munich to receive the awards at a … Read More

Murmel’s Blog #3

FlorianMurmel's Blog, News

Hello my dear readers, Sorry for not writing sooner. It’s Monday morning and I am sitting in the Black Pants office all by myself, so I thought: Let’s write a little. First off there will be some slight changes to the blog. We decided to split my ramblings into different categories so it looks nicer and is more fun to … Read More

Talk and Play Berlin


The Talk and Play event in Berlin was a cool experience for Tobi and Stamm, they sent me some pictures to upload, so here we go! Cheers, Murmel

Tobi at OpenTechSchool Berlin


Tobi will talk about making games tonight at the OpenTechSchool  event in Berlin. If you are interested in games and how they are made you can see him at Adalbertstr. 7-8, Berlin-Kreuzberg. The Event starts at 7.30 pm (19.30 Uhr). Tobi’s talk is scheduled for 8 pm (20.00 Uhr). After the talks there will be some playing as well. Click on … Read More

Murmel’s Blog 2

FlorianMurmel's Blog, News

Heyo, friends of the pants! It’s Murmel again, live from the Black Pants HQ. I recently visited Rotopolpress. They are a publishing house based in Kassel and they are the ones who publish Leschek’s Flug by our very own Stamm. Currently Leschek is available in German to pick up at Rotopolpress, or online if you prefer that or aren’t from … Read More

Murmel’s Blog

FlorianMurmel's Blog, News

Hello world, My name is Florian, but my friends have called me “Murmel” for as long as I can think. Murmel is the German word for marble and that’s all I can really tell you. I can’t remember, why exactly someone chose the name or even who started it. Well, the only important thing is, you can call me Murmel. … Read More

“About Love, Hate and the other ones” on Samsung Apps


We proudly announce that Love and Hate, the cute main characters from our charming puzzler “About Love, Hate and the other ones” made it onto Android! The game is available for download from Samsung Apps. With more levels than ever, a whole new world and a very busy new “other one” this is the most stuffed version of the game … Read More