Development Update #54 – We are live!

FlorianArt, Development

Elvis Print

Hey everyone! It’s time for the weekly development updated and we’re getting emotional this time! Granted: this won’t be much of an informative blog post. Quick news: Yesterday was a release party in Kassel, organized by the fine people of IDEAL and held in the beautiful catacombs beneath the café NEU.  They spared neither expense nor effort and printed some awesome … Read More

Development Update #52 – Release Date Hype

FlorianArt, Development

Hi everyone! It’s time for the weekly development update. We are rapidly approaching our release date, which we have set to June 13th. Our Release Candidate (a stage of build that has the qualities of a finished game) is finished and we only have to implement minor changes until the release. This past week we sent out hundreds of press … Read More

Development Update #51 – Secrets And Lightmaps

FlorianArt, Development

Hi everyone! It’s time for the weekly development update, although I must admit that we haven’t been very weekly lately. Nevertheless, let’s begin with the Black Pants office; or better: with its representation in On Rusty Trails. As the production is in its final moments, we started adding rooms that are spread throughout the game and can be found by … Read More

Development Update #50 – New Logo Animation

FlorianArt, Development

Hello everyone! It’s time for the weekly development update.   Both Stamm and Tobi were away this week, and for personal reasons I am not able to write silly stuff on the internet today, so I will just show you this photo, Stamm has sent from the road and Tobi’s new animation for our logos in On Rusty Trails. The … Read More

Murmel’s Blog – GamesWeekBerlin Edition

FlorianMurmel's Blog

The Crew At Quo Vadis

Hey peeps, long time no see! Games Week is over and I’m on the train back to Kassel. As always, Berlin was awesome. I met a ton of great new people, caught up with old friends and was awarded the grand sunburn prize for my achievements in not giving a damn about the sun. Good times. The picture above shows … Read More

Development Update #49 – You And Justin Bieber

FlorianArt, Development

No To Parasites

Hey everyone! It’s time for the weekly development update and we are starting with a screenshot from our new beta version. That’s right. A few hours ago I sent out the beta keys to our testers and they are already trying to destroy the game – for science 😉 As for the screenshot, I am not 100% sure, if we … Read More

Development Update #48.5 – Fan Art Special


Credit: Igor Wolski

Hi everyone, it’s time for the weekly development blog. But since it’s the Easter holidays, we are on a short hiatus and I will show you some cool fan art we have received over the time.               And the last one, just came in one day ago. Unfortunately Facebook video embedding on WordPress is … Read More

Development Update #48 – Has Stamm Gone Too Far?

FlorianArt, Development

Blown Away Badge

Hi everyone! It’s time for the weekly development update and we’re starting with a little surprise I received this week. A friend of mine works at a social project, called Streetbolzer, which brings kids from all over the city together through football – screw America, you play football with your feet! He works with many children and told one of … Read More

Development Update #47 – Coming Soon (page)

FlorianArt, Development

Trading Card

Hello everyone, it’s time for the weekly development update. Our featured image this week is from the collection of Steam Trading Cards for On Rusty Trails. After our first testing phase, we are working hard on squashing all the bugs and finishing a new beta version for a bigger test, with more people, in a few weeks. Meanwhile things have … Read More