Tiny & Big goes to school


In addition to receiving a Silver Pädi last year, for being valuable for kids, Tiny & Big now even gets mentioned in a German school book. The article is from the DCP website and is the statement of the jury awarding us with the German computer games award back in2011. Students are asked to write about a game of their … Read More



In a cooperation with not only our local university, Universität Kassel, but also the bib International College we were joined by a group of future game designers, developers and artists on monday. As all of us are really busy developing the next Black Pants game, we have decided to have them roll a project of their own. I don’t want … Read More



Hey  folks! We recently had access to a 3D-Printer and made a little 3D-Tiny. Here are photos from the first try:  

Tiny Steam Machine For Tiny & Big


Christian and Jones went to the Steam Developer Days last month and they brought home a special gift. Here are some photos of our awesome Steam Machine:   And here is Tiny & Big, running on our Steam Machine:

Stamm artwork for ARTE

FlorianArt, News

Stamm was asked by ARTE to draw a wallpaper for their online magazine ARTE Creative. They also wrote a feature on him (in German). You can go over there and download the wallpaper or get it directly from this post. It’s drawn in Stamm’s unique comic style and shows his love for gaming and weird alien creatures.

Murmel’s Blog Goes Berlin – Call Of BOLU Edition

FlorianMurmel's Blog, News

It’s time for El Blogerino again! After having worked with the Black Pants for a few months now and getting to know my fields of work in Kassel (which still get more complex and exciting) the time had finally arrived to visit the Berlin office. The university is still on winter break so this was the perfect moment to pack … Read More

Murmel’s “It’s 2014″Blog

FlorianMurmel's Blog

Happy new year everyone! Since the holidays are over and a new year has begun I want to do a little recap of my first “year” (more like 3 months) in the world of indie-game developing. First off I have to say, I was overwhelmed with the Black Pants. I have known Stamm for ages now, but I had only … Read More

Stamm is everywhere

FlorianArt, News

This son of a gun did it again! Mr. Stamm got some love and praise for his work. Leschek’s Flug (Leschek’s Flight soon to be released as English E-Book version!) got mentioned in this review (German), and also in the German newspaper “Die Welt” in a piece that speaks about the publishing house Rotopol out of Kassel. They publish many … Read More

Dude! Sweet!


Hey there chocolate lovers of the world! Look what a nice promotional gift reached the Black Pants HQ this week: I bet it won’t stay in the nice packing for very long, so look at it while you have a chance. Cheers, Murmel

Tiny & Big Modkit


Hello folks, this is Murmel, live from the Pantalones Negros HQ, Some famous person once said: everything is better with laser…or was it bacon? Never mind! The point is: we have a cool tool out that let’s you build your own Tiny & Big levels and build in your own stuff! So you can literally laser anything! Little brother is … Read More