Tiny & Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers is included in the Humble Indie Bundle 8 for the next 7 days!
We are honored (humbled, even! sorry.) to be included amongst this awesome selection, I mean, just look at that line-up! It’s been almost a year since the release of the game, and what a nice way to celebrate the almost-occasion this is (light your mental candles!).
By the way, even though we are working as hard as we can to reply to all support requests, don’t be mad if we need a few days to get back to you. Our team is so small, you know, you could probably fit all of us into an Isetta. This means we have no dedicated support people or anything, and we have to answer mails and write forum posts while trying to juggle our day-to-day work at the same time. Thanks for your patience, everyone!