Hello everyone! It’s time for the weekly development blog, and we will keep it light and short.
Our featured image is the header for our new merchandise store. Yay! And if it ain’t the perfect time to be looking for presents these days… 😉
- Pants
- Black Pants Logo
- Leschek
- Tiny & Big Box Art
- Tiny & Big Outline
So far, we have these five motifs, but there will be more, soon. After all, we will have the Blown Away release this month! We should also get more different products in there, in the future. This point would be an awesome opportunity to ask you guys about your wishes for the store. Do you have any favorite characters who should get their own shirt? Any other suggestions? Let us know, and we will see what we can do.
In other news, we gave Blown Away to a localization service this week, so next week the game will exist in 10 languages, and will go to the stores for quality testing. Yet another opportunity to have a fun Black Pants experience over the holidays of whatever kind you participate in 🙂
The blues is also making progress, documented in this gif, from his Gifmeisterness, Stamm:
Our boy, Mack A. Roni (jk) has the beat going and you can see the idea of the rhythmic button mashing to keep the car moving.
Special “Held der Arbeit” shoutout goes to Rico, for building the whole On Rusty Trails menu, not telling anyone about it and then leaving for a week of holidays. Bravo sir, nice surprise!
That’s it for this week, as promised, I kept it short. Make sure to check back on the blog next Sunday!